So this has been a very busy week for me,
I am now the proud tenant, which sounds better than "renter", of my very own one bedroom apartment. It has always been a small dream of mine to have my own apartment and now, I do.
Luke is LOVING his new place, but he is still getting used to having all this space to himself! However, he does not love having to go up and down 3 flights of stairs just to go outside...hopefully he will adjust.
I am also happy to say that ALL, that's right, ALL of my boxes are unpacked. The only things left to do is to sand and paint some very red chairs black and to hang some decor on the walls... I'm also in the hunt for a coffee table and bed frame...but I'm banking on some "OMG that's it!" and "It's a steal!" kind of finds with these two :)

Moving day was hectic, but I got everything out of my old place and into the new one! But not without lots of help from my mom and dad, along with the best friends ever, Meg and Andrew!
It's amazing that it took a 17ft. UHAUL to move everything I owned, but thankfully it all fits perfectly in my new home...and also noted, I never want to drive a UHAUL if it is in any way avoidable!!
The best parts...
1. I now live only 1.5 miles from a REAL grocery store. For the past 7 years I have only been able to buy my grocery at a certain "one stop shop", and I wasn't a fan. (it's the little things)
2. I live only 7.6 miles away from the sweetest little god-son EVER!
I'm sure I will have many more post about decorating and all the new adventures living on my own will bring, so please stay tuned...and if you have any advice on decor, I'm all ears!