So this weekend I went to Target with a friend and I COULD NOT leave without buying myself the new Adele album. Now I know that most people buy there music on iTunes and CDs seem to be a lost cause, but I am a HUGE fan of "jamming out" in my car, and if you've ever ridden with me, or happend to be next to me at a stoplight, you know this is true.
I was shocked, and quite pleased to discover that Adele's new ablum was only $9.99 (worth so much more!) and I instantly grabbed it and placed it in my cart without a second thought. I tend to over think most of my purchases and actually get quite anxious when I decide to buy things, but this purchase I was sure of!
I love her first album Adele19 and didn't know if she could top it...well, she's gone and done it! I had the CD unwrapped while I was still at the check-out register and into my CD player almost before the car started. The windows were immediately rolled down and my jaw dropped as my jam out session began.
Adele has the most amazing voice and I have had the CD on constant rotation in my car and at my desk at work. GO BUY THIS ALBUM! :) If I may make a slightly less forceful suggestion #2 and #4 are my current favorites. :)
Enjoy and let me know what you think of this absolutely amazing artist!
So I will have to take your suggestion and have a listen!!! ♥