Thursday, March 7, 2013

Popping and Buzzing...

Well, my New Year's resolution was to blog more. Seeing that it is March 7th, we can all see how that turned out. But, things have been busy indeed, celebrating babies and birthdays!

Three weekends ago, we had a Baby Sprinkle for my dear friend Sarah Beth, with a "Ready to Pop" theme. I think the details came together quite nicely and it was so fun to see all the little girly gifts that Sarah Beth and Miss Bristol Lynn received!

The menu consisted of cake cops, oreo pops, pop-tarts, rice krispie treats, popcorn chicken, jalapenos poppers, toosie pops, ring pops, pop rocks, and bubble gum. There was a popcorn bar that featured buttered popcorn, caramel corn and Poppy Chow (thank you Pinterest!)

We had a few shower activities, but my favorite was "Mommy's Late Night Diapers". Everyone wrote Sarah Beth a little joke or some encouragement on a diaper, for those late diaper emergencies, when she made need a little smile or laugh.

 And then some of my personal faves...the big sister enjoying her first Ring Pop and some snuggles with Mols The Dog!!

The following weekend was buzzing with celebrations for Miss Brogan's 3rd Bee-day! Sarah Beth did an UH-MAZING job with the bee theme, and everything came together so perfectly!

The menu for B's party was perfect! Bar-BEE-Que sandwiches, HONEY BBQ chips, peanut butter and HONEY sandwiches, HONEY nut cheerio treats, HONEYdew melon and HONEY COMB cereal! 
Too cute, right??

And HOW ADORABLE is the birthday cake that Sarah Beth MADE???? And trust me, it was delicious too!!

Sarah Beth also made the favors...Honey bee and bee hive shaped chocolates and honey sticks, with a tag that said "Thank you for beeing at my party, Love B!" I mean really?!

Thankfully we got all the parties completed when we did. I am currently sitting down stairs at Sarah Beth's house, with sweet Brogan asleep upstairs and Nick and Sarah Beth are at the hospital because precious baby Bristol will be here TOMORROW!! I could not be more excited and I cannot wait to hold that baby girl! I love baby snuggles and I have been waiting a long time for some snuggles with Miss Bristol! Stay tuned, because I will have some nauseatingly adorable posts coming up soon...(and maybe a give-away as well!)

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